The Eastman Free Press
Providing owners with the information they need to make informed decisions.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Bamboozled Again

It is not just the Eastman Sewer Users being bamboozled. In 2002 and 2003 members of the ECA Council were subjected to an emotionally-based FEAR campaign suggesting that if the Eastman golf course were closed it would wreak havoc on Eastman property values driving valuations to intolerable lows. This FEAR campaign was complemented by the initiative to make the golf course (and the Center) "amenities". The official ECA Board propaganda pronounced that if the Council passed this Declaration change, golf course capital investments would occur and Eastman property values would significantly increase. Ten (10) years later in 2014 most Eastman property values have not achieved the level they were at back in 2003.

What most community members then and now do not understand is that the whole golf amenity campaign was a ploy. The objective was to minimize the cost on the part of ECA golf members to upgrade and improve the golf course to a resort like level at the expense of the non golf members in the community. In the past 10 years we have spent more than $3 million worth of capital funds raised through assessments to improve the golf course grounds and another $1 million plus in golf vehicles.

When you have a community government whose Board is dominated by golf members and whose Council is dominated by long term members who happen to be golf members, TRUTH is what they tell you. TRUST is what they demand. INSPECTION is not acceptable nor is it possible. Inspection is made impossible by designing financials that don't explain why and where funds are going. Awareness of who are the golfers is difficult because of the Eastman Board privacy rules – adopted by the current ruling Board President. Prior to his reign it was standard community policy that the Eastman golf membership names were available to all residents. Furthermore, if office holders and council members wish, they could make that information available. The fact that they do not, indicates that they favor secrecy over openness and transparency.

Sadly, the golf course and the soon to be Eastman Lodge have become the crown jewel of what golf members now claim to be a Four Season Resort--not the Four Season Community it's founders created.  As most people are emotionally vulnerable, “going along to get along” appeals to those who don't like trouble. Or more accurately, independent thinkers whose inspection results in a conclusion that the ruling party does not accept make whistle-blowers undesirable, as is rational objective analysis and the demand that the financials be made intelligible and governance members accountable. 

Reasonable market analysis and due diligence would demonstrate that there are at least four privately owned high-end country clubs within 20 miles of Eastman. The Eastman community's primary purpose financially ought to be to improve property values, not to compete and constantly spend money trying to out-do those private enterprises. Furthermore, given that New Hampshire property taxes are some of the highest in the country along with some of the highest utility costs in the nation, a four-season resort with high community assessment and condo association fees is less desirable than say, in Florida.

We, the homeowners and condo owners lose on deteriorating property values (relative to other Upper Valley communities) and through paying excessive assessments. The only winners are golf course members including those who do not live at Eastman. That's because they pay less than the going rate to cover the Eastman golf course and Center expenses.

It is rightfully stated that that "what you accept is what you will get". 

The past 10 years have demonstrated that increased costs with no direct vote on how our money is spent, supported by meaningless financials will continue at Eastman as long as silence and "go along to get along" dominate community behavior and values.

Contributed by Bob Logan--40 year resident of Eastman

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