The Eastman Free Press
Providing owners with the information they need to make informed decisions.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Eastman, a Community or a High-End Resort?

Eastman on the one hand could be viewed as a environmentally committed, beautiful wooded community with a lake along the lines of other upper Valley communities such as New London, Hanover, Norwich VT or it could be viewed as the current Board and its supporters do, as a high-end private Golf Club Resort.

Which is it?

It is both, which of course explains why it will never be quite successful being either. The two are in fact polar opposites. All one has to do is look at New London, Norwich and Hanover to see why such a conundrum is doomed to failure. All three communities offer lakes, unspoiled forests and lots of nearby trails. All three offer all of the amenities Eastman has except golf. Neither Hanover nor New London subsidizes their golf facilities along with a high-end clubhouse. Of course Hanover could, however its clubhouse is quite modest by any standard.

New London, on the other hand is privately owned and very nice however no one would mistake it for being along the lines of Weston, Braeburn, Wellesley, Winchester and so many others in the Boston area. Why not?

There are a number of reasons not the least of which are:
1)    None of these communities desire to put the economic drain on its residents that Eastman's Board has chosen to mandate for its residents. They know economics and markets better than the Eastman Board.
2)    Hanover and New London residents recognize that those who want the perks of a high-end country club can pay for it or they can go elsewhere as Norwich residents do. Do Eastman members really believe that having a lush golf course with the high-end clubhouse makes Eastman a more desirable place to live? This is not Florida. Look at your property tax bill and utility bills for confirmation.
3)    In all of the surrounding towns the voters decide what to spend their money on and what not to spend that money on. Why do Eastman members think that not having a choice on how their money is spent is somehow better for them financially or makes the community more desirable than any of these three communities?
4)    Why do Eastman Members think that granting the Eastman Board President dictatorial powers is somehow desirable to American citizens? The market is telling Eastman Owners they are not interested in dictatorships.
5)    Why do Eastman Members think that NO RIGHT TO KNOW somehow is an advantage in living in a hierarchical community that has no check and balances?
6)    Why do Eastman owners think that not having the General Manager report directly to community members is an advantage? Why do Town Managers report directly to the town residents?
7)    Most important, Norwich, Hanover and New London residents believe and practice democracy. Eastman residents are not allowed to.

As Ronald Reagan stated:

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."

What have you done lately for freedom and democratic principles?

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