The Eastman Free Press
Providing owners with the information they need to make informed decisions.

Friday, August 22, 2014

CRC Members-- COME OUT

DECLARE Your Golf Memberships

Are you a golf member now? Have you been a golf member in the past 2 years?

Responsible government members disclose their recreational benefits and activities that could most likely influence their vote and preferences. Full disclosure is what community members are entitled to from anyone proposing to spend vast sums of other people's money. CRC Member, do you have a Conflict of Interest? Do you have what could be perceived by some ECA members as a Conflict of Interest? The ECA Board has a Conflict-of-Interest Policy which is being expanded to include Committees which includes you.

Answering these questions is an open transparent act. It is what citizens are entitled to and expect of those in positions where trust in decision-makers’ objectivity is mandatory. It is expected of volunteers and compensated government officials. When volunteers refuse to be open, to COME OUT with this information their motivation is to be questioned.

As the Referendum explanation document pointed out, we only have “preliminary plans for building and will be subject to modifications as the project moves forward.” Never in the history of Eastman has such an affront been issued by a few people running the community to so many: the 80% who are not golf members. In this case, any proposal other than to fix what needs to be fixed in the Center is no more than a “spending blank check”.

There is absolutely no evidence or document by a reliable source that indicates that we need anything other than to fix some components based on the recommendations of the engineers and architects. In those documents, it is clearly stated that improvement work to such things as the Center's windows could be done gradually over a three-year period.  Indeed some "improvements" while of questionable economic return could easily be funded in a specific time frame by using the membership fee moneys EXCLUSIVELY for that purpose for a three-year period. Those capital monies --now exceeding $250,000 per year were intended to alleviate the capital fees paid by Eastman members. It is time to mandate that that be the case. The Council Chairperson should lead demanding that this be the case. Why instead are these funds being spent to buy and accumulate land among other less critical expenditures?

Additional Capital Assessment monies are required to compensate for the more than 400 Retired Lots whose Assessments, we the remaining 1450 owners, are required to pick up. In FY2015, the amount paid for the retired lots by ECA members is $616,529--See P. 119 of FY2015 Budget (that is $421 per ECA member). Almost 50% more than the debt we are paying annually on South Cove.

The Lot Retirement Program was instituted to create less demand on, and less cost of amenities to ECA owners. Instead we have more than doubled our Annual Assessments. We are building more elaborate country club-like facilities for a diminishing population desired by about 22% of those footing the bill.


  1. Up through the 90's, golf membership was public info. When did it get changed and why?

    1. Led by Maynard Goldman (Board President) a sweeping community secrecy (privacy) has been implemented at Eastman. The broad scope of this policy enables golf members and others to PRETEND they are OBJECTIVE (no conflict of interest is possible??) when advocating for a high end Country Club/Restaurant/Bar and golfer facilities.
      It is DECEPTION and another Troika Dirty Trick on a trusting constituency--ECA members.
