The Eastman Free Press
Providing owners with the information they need to make informed decisions.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Maynard’s Board and Fabrication of Facts

"Fostering Dissent and Conflict by Spreading Propaganda and Fabricating "Facts"

The June 2014 Issue of “Eastman Happenings” authored by the ECA Board states:
"On April 16, 2014, after two years of debate and discussion within our community, the Village District......."
Once again the Board President (who is the author according to Board Minutes of May 2014) is fabricating facts to foster dissent and conflict within the community. Debate and discussion within the community lasted maybe four months from November 2012 to March 2013. Here is the exact timeline based on VDE Minute Documents during which the VDE Commissioners and District Manager discussed the topic of the Eastman Sewer Company sale. It is important to note that the VDE is a Public Municipality (it is not a “private” community):
       1/19/12 Non-public VDE meeting session held - violated NH Right to Know law and pleaded guilty in courtOnly VDE officials or employees in attendance at meeting.
       2/7/12  Non-public VDE meeting session held  -violated NH Right to Know law and pleaded guilty in court. ECA officials participating in this session included Maynard Goldman along with Ken Ryder, Brian Harding, and Mike Gornnert. Only VDE officials or employees in attendance at meeting.
       2/15/12 Non-public VDE session held - violated NH Right to Know law and pleaded guilty in court. Only VDE officials or employees in attendance at meeting.
       3/21/12 Non-public VDE session held- violated NH Right to Know law. Only VDE officials or employees in attendance at meeting.

       4/18/12 Public session held -New Business: Sewer Company acquisition introduced. Only VDE officials or employees in attendance at meeting.
       5/16/12 Public session held - no mention of Sewer Company acquisition in minutes. Only VDE officials or employees in attendance at meeting.
       6/20/12 Public session held - only VDE officials or employees in attendance from 8:00 AM until 9:20 AM. At 9:20 AM, ECA and Eastman Sewer Company officials join the meeting, specifically Brian Harding, Gail Burns, Brad Moses, Maynard Goldman, Jim Coffey, and John Walters. No other members of the community are stated as in attendance.
       7/18/12 Public session held - only VDE officials or employees in attendance until 9 AM when Brian Harding joined the meeting. On page 4, the first paragraph (at the top) states: "Commissioner Wood made the motion that the VDE formally inform the ESC that after due deliberations it has been concluded that the possibility of expanding Village District oversight to include the Sewer operations IS NOT APPROPRIATE. Commissioner Sullivan seconded, the motion passed unanimously.
       8/15/12 Public session held - no mention of Sewer Company acquisition in Minutes. Only VDE officials or employees in attendance at meeting.
       9/26/12 Public session held - no mention of Sewer Company acquisition in Minutes. Only VDE officials or employees in attendance at meeting.
       10/17/12 Public session held - only VDE officials or employees in attendance at meeting until 8:24 AM when Brian Harding, Brad Moses, Jim Donoghue, Jim Coffey and John Walters joined the meeting.

For additional  VDE Right to Know Violations, see and
As Mr. Goldman proudly testified in response to a PUC Intervenor:
REQUEST:  Can you define the standing ECA Board rules regarding the protocol of ECA forums held at South Cove including:
a) Are the meetings open to non-–Eastman Members, i.e. the public?
b) Are the meetings posted in public sites?
c) Are the meetings recorded and are the recordings made immediately available to the public?
d) What "minutes" are published and exactly what are the criteria for creating and publishing the minutes?
e) What is the timeframe for posting the minutes and what allowance is made for correction to those minutes?
f) Given the above, is all documentation oral and written, public as well as open and transparent conforming to the NH Right to Know law?...
RESPONSE: "Forums which are facilitated by ECA are held for Eastman Owners and individuals who reside in the community........Minutes are not taken nor is there any formal documentation of what is said.  As you have indicated we are a private organization and I'M NOT SUBJECT TO THE RULES OF RIGHT TO KNOW LAW.
But then what is Mr. Goldman and the Board’s value system? Because they are not subject to Right to Know by law:
·      Does that mean you HIDE things from your constituents? (Like the more than $1 Million you have spent on the Center to date?)
·      Does that mean you are not open and transparent? (Why hide the Center Capital spending?) See and
·      Does that mean secrecy rules Eastman?

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